5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Data & Project Management

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Businesses need the ability to use data to make decisions and execute projects to keep them moving forward. That’s why data specialists and project managers are in high demand across the country.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in market research and data analysis are expected to grow by 18% between now and 2029. That’s insane growth that is much faster than average. Project management is experiencing serious growth too, growing by 6% in the coming years.

Fast growth isn’t the only benefit to choosing a career in data and project management. Let’s dive into the others.

5 Reasons to Pursue a Career in Data and Project Management

1. Work in a Variety of Industries

Data analysts and project managers can work in a wide range of industries. After all, any business that uses data to make decisions will require the help of an analyst. And any business with important projects will need a project manager.

Choose from healthcare, education, manufacturing, construction, technology and more—the opportunities are endless.

2. Impact Your Organization With Your Data & Project Management Skills

Data science is a rewarding career path where you’ll directly impact your organization and others with your skills. For example, you might wrangle and analyze the data that helps a business build a new product. Or, you might uncover data that leads a hospital to understand how to better serve its patients.

Project managers use their skills to help businesses and organizations grow, leading to a career that’s both rewarding and meaningful. You’ll get to help plan and manage internal projects to ensure they’re completed on time. 

For example, you may have a hand in helping a business complete a project that increases their budget or helps them become more efficient in serving their customers.

3. Many Opportunities to Advance Your Career

There are many career opportunities available in the data and project management niche. For example, you can become a data analyst, data science technician or even a healthcare data analyst. You can also become a project manager assistant or a junior project manager.

There are also additional certifications you can obtain to further advance your career. These include the Associate Certified Analytics Professional industry certification and the PMI Certified Associate in Project Management.

4. Receive a Solid Salary

Project managers and data analysts typically receive great salaries and benefits from their employers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those in data and market research receive an average salary of $65,810 per year. And according to Salary.com, assistant project managers receive $57,500 per year on average.

5. Have Peace of Mind & Job Security

Jobs in data and project management are here to stay. There will always be a project to manage and data is the future of business and tech. You can have peace of mind knowing your career is secure for many years to come.

Start Your New Data and Project Management Career With Cambridge

Want to spend your days wrangling data and managing projects? We can help you reach your career goals. To learn more about our Data and Project Management program or to apply today, call us at 877-206-4279 or send us a message. We can’t wait to see where you go!