Category: Medical Assistant School

Earning Your Medical Assistant Certificate

The healthcare industry is a vibrant field, teeming with opportunities for those who are passionate about making a difference in people’s lives. As front-line supporters in healthcare settings, medical assistants play a critical role in the functioning of medical teams and patient care. Today, the path to becoming a medical assistant has been made more accessible than ever, especially with options for earning a medical assistant certificate partially online. In this article, we’ll look into the intricacies of what medical assistants do, how you can obtain your medical assistant certificate, and why choosing the right place for your training is… Read more »

Becoming a Medical Assistant: A Short Guide

Becoming a medical assistant puts you on a path to a fulfilling career in which you provide services that have a positive impact on all aspects of the medical profession.  In this article we will provide you with the information you need to get started on your medical assistant career journey, including education, certification requirements and employment prospects.  How can I become a medical assistant? To become a medical assistant, one should first have a high school diploma or GED.  The next step is to complete a reputable medical assistant training program. This program should prepare students for both direct patient care… Read more »