Category: Cyber Security Programs

What do IT Cyber Security Professionals Do?

In the world of cybersecurity there are three types of jobs that someone can consider – red jobs, blue jobs and purple jobs.  Individuals in red jobs look for vulnerabilities in an organization’s cyber network by coordinating and carrying out sophisticated attacks.  Individuals in blue jobs are responsible for finding ways to defend against these attacks and create successful responses to incidents.  There are benefits to both in that they can often work together to find network vulnerabilities and strengthen network security as well as work to raise security awareness in all individuals across the organization.  Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology focuses on… Read more »

Navigating your IT Cyber Security Learning Journey

Cyber security is a rapidly growing career field due to the increased number of cyber-attacks that have been happening over the past few years.  Most, if not, all organizations including those in the healthcare industry rely upon technology to get work done. When an attack happens, systems can become inaccessible bringing all productivity to a halt, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information and putting the lives and safely of people at risk.  Most professionals including medical professionals have not received any specialized training to handle these kinds of attacks so they need to rely on trained cyber security professionals to help mitigate… Read more »

Challenges and Solutions of Protecting Patient Information in IT Cyber Security

Recently there have been a number of data breaches in healthcare records that have left patient information exposed and put people at risk for identity theft.  Healthcare facilities face a big challenge when it comes to providing cybersecurity tools that can keep information safe, are cost effective and relatively easy to maintain.  Most medical staff are not trained in how to handle cybersecurity or what to do when their systems are breached so they have to rely on a partnership with a reputable company that can handle installing, updating and maintaining a cybersecurity system that minimizes the threat of hackers and data… Read more »