Should I Become a Medical Assistant or CNA in Atlanta

Young female medical assistant wearing a mask

Should I choose to be a medical assistant or a nursing assistant? It’s a common question for people considering a career in the medical field. Both medical assistant and nursing assistant careers have unique things that set them apart, so making the right decision depends on what’s right for you.

The Difference Between MAs and CNAs

Medical assistants support physicians and keep healthcare running smoothly while nursing assistants provide care directly to patients. Being a CNA is a much more physical job. CNAs lift and move patients while MAs do not. 

In addition, CNA programs last only a few weeks. MAs spend more time in school, but the average salary is higher and, with less heavy lifting, MAs are less likely to be injured on the job.

What Medical Assistants Do

Medical assistants work in many different healthcare settings, including doctor’s offices, specialty centers, outpatient clinics and hospitals. They support doctors in their role by greeting patients and preparing them for treatment.

As a medical assistant, you might chart vital signs, collect laboratory specimens and explain treatment procedures. You’ll be a vital part of keeping a doctor’s office or specialty clinic running smoothly so that patients get the care they need.

What CNAs Do

CNAs—often called nursing assistants or nursing aides—focus on supporting patients’ care needs. As a CNA, you might reposition an immobile patient, assist with bathing, dressing or other activities of daily living, monitor food intake and urine and fecal output, and answer other patient calls.

As a CNA, you’ll work directly with patients to provide regular care in settings like nursing homes or long-term care facilities. You’ll likely develop close relationships with the people you care for, really making a difference in their lives. 

Because CNAs play such a big role in the day-to-day care of patients, they’re often the ones that patients remember most.

Our Atlanta Medical Assistant Program

We offer a Medical Assistant program in Atlanta, in which students can earn their diplomas in approximately 36 weeks. After you receive your diploma, you will be eligible to take your certification exams. 

You have two options for certification exams, including Medical Assistant Certification and Basic X-Ray Operator Certification (Licensure). After passing a certification exam, you’ll be well on your way to an exciting career as a medical assistant.

Learn More About Our Atlanta Medical Assistant Program

We’re here to support you as you reach your educational goals and start your career as a medical assistant. To learn more about the Medical Assistant program or to apply today, call our team at 877-206-4279. You can also send us a message.