What Is the Future of Healthcare IT

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Recent events, laws and developments in technology are impacting how healthcare services are delivered. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the healthcare industry to embrace technology for telehealth services, which has made healthcare more accessible. New laws are demanding improved systems for healthcare databases. 

Developments in technology are improving healthcare operations and informing patient care. As time moves forward, information technology will continue to play a key role in improving the healthcare industry, which means IT professionals will be essential to these operations.

Securing Patient Information and Data

In 2020, the US Department of Health and Human Services issued two new rules to give patients secure access to their healthcare data so they can make informed healthcare decisions. 

One rule states that patients be allowed to access their data through a smartphone app of their choice. The other states that when a patient is admitted to a facility, all hospitals participating in Medicare and Medicaid need to send electronic notifications to these facilities to better coordinate patient care. 

What does this mean for IT specialists? Developing secure sharing of patient data and information will be imperative to the future of healthcare technology. IT professionals who work with cyber and network security, software development and systems operations will be especially important. 

Improving Medical Cost Transparency

Another future area IT professionals can improve is the cost transparency of medical services. Many patients aren’t informed about the price of medical services, and improvements in IT systems can provide patients with this information. This helps patients make informed decisions about their care.

It also improves accessibility to important healthcare information for those who speak another language and depend on electronic translators. Patients who are underinsured or less knowledgeable about medical services will benefit as well. 

Developing Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict patient outcomes and improve care decisions. We can see how important predictive analytics has become from recent studies and technological advances. 

A 2020 study by the National COVID Cohort Collaborative used machine learning algorithms to identify severe COVID-19 risk factors. Knowing these risk factors helps healthcare professionals provide individualized and improved treatments to patients.

Another study published in 2021 showed how AI can benefit physicians by decreasing their time reviewing patient data and assisting in predicting patient outcomes. This allowed clinicians to access information quickly and be provided with recommendations from predictive analytics. 

AI and machine learning assist healthcare operations by automating tasks and providing predictive treatment recommendations for patients. The healthcare industry will depend on IT professionals for staying current with technological advancements.

Make an Impact as an IT Professional in Healthcare

Break new ground in the healthcare industry by exploring a prominent career in IT. Our programs at Cambridge offer flexible class schedules and job placement services to catapult your career forward. To learn more, call us at 877-206-4279 or send us a message.