How to Get Into Medical Imaging

How to Get Into Medical Imaging

A career in medical imaging is rewarding and relatively quick to obtain. From ultrasound to x-ray the options are plentiful for students interested in this career path. But, how do you get started?

Choose Your Medical Imaging Career 

The first step in entering a career in medical imaging is deciding which route to take. There are various types of medical imaging including:

  • X-ray
  • CT or computed tomography scan
  • MRI or magnetic resonance imaging
  • Ultrasound
  • Nuclear medicine imaging such as PET

Although each type of medical imaging has similar responsibilities, they differ in the form of imaging and equipment used. It’s best to consider where you want to work and for whom you would like to perform imaging services. 

For example, those who wish to work in prenatal care would find ultrasound rewarding. Or, those wishing to work with patients going through cancer treatment will find nuclear medicine to be a great choice.

Obtain the Necessary Medical Imaging Requirements

The specialty that you choose will have specific requirements. For example, a career in ultrasound requires a diagnostic medical sonography degree. Other types of imaging such as x-ray will require a degree in radiologic technology. But, they are all similar in their basic requirements which include:

  • Attending an accredited post-secondary program: Most imaging careers require at least an Associate’s degree to be licensed to work in the field.
  • Receiving the proper licensing: Licensing requirements vary by state. If licensing is required where you live, you’ll need to complete this step prior to starting your career.
  • Receiving the proper certification: Although certification through credentialing organizations such as the ARRT is optional, it will help you stand out from the other applicants when applying for an imaging position.

Start Your Imaging Job Search

Once you have met all of the requirements, you’re ready to begin your job search. You can use online websites such as Indeed to help you locate open positions in your imaging field. You can also reach out to healthcare facilities in your area to learn more about open positions.

Cambridge also offers our Career Services Department to students as early as the admissions process. We help you prepare for your new career and provide you with job leads in your area. 

Ready to Get Started on Your Medical Imaging Career?

Are you ready to get started on your medical imaging career? Need help deciding which area to choose? To learn more about available career opportunities in imaging, reach out to us by calling 877-206-4279.