Diagnostic Medical Sonography Atlanta Curriculum Overview

Cambridge Institute Diagnostic Medical Sonography

The Associate of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology has been carefully designed to lay the foundation for a successful career in Ultrasound. Offered from our beautiful Atlanta, Georgia campus, the program covers a wide range of topics related to the field, including:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Health sciences
  • Medical terminology
  • Psychology, physics and speech fundamentals
  • Sonographic anatomy
  • Principles of sonography
  • Echocardiography, OBGYN Sonography, Vascular Sonography, and Abdominal Sonography

We’ve carefully designed the curriculum to provide students with the well-rounded knowledge and training needed to thrive in the Sonography industry. It also meets the requirements of leading healthcare accrediting organizations.

An Innovative Approach to Learning

Cambridge College’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography program offers a hybrid approach to learning. Over the 24-month program, students are offered knowledge and training through various means, including:

  • Classroom and distance learning: Foundational courses are offered by highly skilled and experienced instructors, both in the classroom and online via distance learning platforms. Small class sizes, focused courses and supportive instructors offer the optimal learning environment for every student.
  • Hands-on training: Throughout the program, students learn using the latest in imaging technology. This hands-on approach to training prepares students to use the actual technology currently utilized in the healthcare field.
  • Clinical externship: Experience in the field is a crucial part of the learning process. With that in mind, we’ve developed externship programs with many Atlanta-area medical providers. The required externship allows students to learn in a true healthcare environment and prepare for the transition into the workforce.
Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Goals
  • To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the Abdominal sonography – Extended concentration.
  • To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the Obstetrics and gynecology concentration.
  • To prepare competent entry-level sonographers in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains for the Adult cardiac concentration.

The program’s course schedule includes:

Course Code Course Description
BCS-1085 Anatomy & Physiology I
BCS-1085L Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BCS-1086 Anatomy & Physiology II
BCS-1086L Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
ENC 1101* English Composition
HSC 1000* Introduction to Health Sciences
MAC 1105* College Algebra
MEA 1239* Medical Terminology
PSY 1012* Introduction to Psychology
SPC 1016* Fundamentals of Speech
PHY-2053 General Physics
DMSA-1002 Principles of Sonographic Physics and Instrumentation
DMSA-1003 Sonographic Anatomy
DMSA-2001 Principles of Abdominal Sonography I
DMSA-2002 Principles of Abdominal Sonography II
DMSA-2003 Principles of OBGYN Sonography I
DMSA-2004 Principles of OBGYN Sonography II
DMSA-2005 Introduction to Vascular Sonography
DMSA-2006 Echocardiographic Pathology I
DMSA-2007 Echocardiographic Pathology II
DMSA-2008 Pharmacology
DMSA-2009 Introduction to Echocardiographic Anatomy
DMSA-2010 Clinical Externship I
DMSA-2011 Clinical Externship II
DMSA-2012 Clinical Externship III
DMSA-2013 Clinical Externship IV
DMSA-2014 Seminar

*Indicates courses taught via Distance Education

Institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)

Take the Next Steps Toward a Successful Sonography Career

In just over two years, you can earn an Associate of Science degree and obtain the skills and training needed to pursue a career in Sonography. To learn more about the program, contact an advisor today.