How Can I Become an Ultrasound Technician in Miami

A diagnostic medical sonographer is doing a test on a patient

Ultrasound technicians work in a variety of medical fields. For example, they may work with expecting mothers going through prenatal care. Or they may support medical providers in the diagnosis of injury or medical condition. Sonographers work in hospitals, clinics, diagnostic facilities and long-term care facilities.

If this sounds like a great career for you, there are some steps you’ll need to complete first. Cambridge College of Healthcare and Technology in Miami can help you reach your career goals.

The 3 Steps to Becoming an Ultrasound Technician in Miami

Becoming an ultrasound technician in Miami isn’t difficult. All you need is some dedication and a bit of education. After obtaining your high school diploma or GED, here are your next steps:

  1. Attend an accredited Diagnostic Sonography program: You’ll need to complete a Diagnostic Medical Sonography program such as the one offered through Cambridge. You’ll learn everything you need to know for success such as human anatomy and the operation of sonography equipment.
  2. Gain real-world experience: Next, you’ll need to gain real-world, hands-on experience in sonography to solidify your knowledge. At Cambridge, we offer externships at local healthcare facilities where you’ll use the same equipment used throughout your career.
  3. Obtain certification:While further certification isn’t required for all employers after you graduated, it can greatly enhance your resumé. Consider certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) or the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS).

Completing the requirements can take approximately two years, including your program, externship and certification. Once complete, you’ll be ready for entry-level employment in sonography.

Cambridge Can Help You Find the Perfect Career

The final step in starting your ultrasound career is to find the perfect position with an area medical facility. Cambridge offers our assistance through our Career Services department. Through one-on-one counseling, we help you build a terrific resuméand ensure you have the skills necessary for successful interviews.

Partnering With Local Medical Facilities

Cambridge partners with hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and diagnostic facilities to find new talent to fill vacancies. This means we’re able to place students into new roles every single day. We’ll work with you to find the best position for you that fits your career goals.

Learn More About Our Ultrasound Program Today

Are you interested in a career in sonography? Cambridge College of Healthcare and Technology in Miami can help! To learn more about our Miami-based ultrasound program or to apply today, give us a call at 877-206-4279 or send us a message.