Phlebotomy Certification

Phlebotomy certification florida

Where Can You Get a Phlebotomy Certification?

Phlebotomy is a rewarding and continuously growing career within the medical field. Students interested in phlebotomy certification can achieve it by attending an accredited college or university with a phlebotomy program.

How to Receive a Phlebotomy Certification

To become a phlebotomist or phlebotomy technician, you’ll need to follow a few key steps to receive your phlebotomy certification.

  1. Complete a high school education: A high school diploma or GED is a requirement for entry into a phlebotomy program. You’ll need this educational backbone as a prerequisite for continuing education.
  2. Enroll in an accredited college or university program: You must attend a college or university phlebotomy program such as the one offered through Cambridge. Our program includes 11 weeks of fast-paced and focused study, preparing students for their certification exam.
  3. Seek certification: After successful completion of your program, you’ll need to take and pass the National Healthcare Association (NHA) exam in order to seek employment in the field. Once successful, you’ll receive your official phlebotomy certification.

Why Choose Cambridge for Your Phlebotomy Certification?

At Cambridge, we’re dedicated to helping you reach career success. We offer students a wide range of benefits including:

  • Focused curriculum: Our 11-week program offers students the training they need to become qualified candidates for phlebotomy positions. We employ only experienced lecturers who teach students everything they need to know with real-world perspective.
  • Educational support: Our staff members and faculty offer support whenever necessary, ensuring students have the best chance for success.
  • Job placement opportunities: Our job placement services help students find a new career as soon as they receive certification.
  • Exam prep: We offer study guides and additional study tips to help students gain the confidence they need to take and pass the NHA exam for employment.

Our flexible Phlebotomy Certificate/Diploma program is available for students through our Altamonte Springs, Atlanta-area and Delray Beach campuses.

Get Your Phlebotomy Certification at Cambridge

Interested in a career in phlebotomy? Receive the hands-on training and education you need for career success from Cambridge. To learn more about our Phlebotomy Technician program, reach out to an advisor today by calling 877-206-4279.

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