Nursing Degree

Types of Nursing Degrees

The healthcare industry is growing rapidly, always expanding. And if you’re interested in joining the medical field, becoming a nurse is a great path to choose. There are many different types of nursing degrees available to you, depending on the career you’re looking for.

What Types of Nursing Degrees Are Available?

Whether you’re a newly graduated high school student or an individual with a Bachelor’s degree under your belt, there’s a nursing degree available for you.

LPN Degree
A Licensed Practical Nurse degree is often the quickest way to start your nursing career, taking around a year to complete. These degrees are given via vocational schools or through your community college and are a convenient way to improve your school/life balance. An LPN program makes you eligible for licensure after passing the NCLEX-PN exam.

Associate of Nursing Degree
An Associate of Nursing or ASN prepares you to become an entry-level RN. You can continue on to receive your ASN after completing your LPN or through a 2-3 year process. Clinicals at a local medical facility will be required, as well as liberal arts courses and more.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Preferred by most healthcare facilities and providing the best job opportunities, a BSN helps you jumpstart your career. A Bachelor of Science in Nursing program will take approximately four years to complete without a prior Associate degree or LPN degree. This degree is the entry point for professional nursing practice.

RN to BSN Programs
Some schools offer RN to BSN programs as a bridge between the two. If you’re currently an RN with an Associate degree, you can complete your BSN degree in less time than a traditional BSN. Plus, this route is cost-effective, giving you credit for prior knowledge earned.

Bachelor to BSN
Also known as “second degree BSN”, this program is for students who already have a Bachelor’s degree in another field. Bachelor’s degree holders can continue on to receive their BSN in a shorter amount of time due to fulfilling their liberal arts requirement.

Graduate Degrees
Other degrees are available such as Master of Science in Nursing degrees and Doctorate in Nursing degrees for nurses interested in health administration, clinical research and advanced clinical practice. Often, these types of degrees take additional years of study to prepare you for the field.

How to Choose a Nursing Degree

To choose the nursing degree that works best for you, consider your career path. Do you wish to work hands-on with patients each day? Or, do you wish to work in an administrative role? Do you want to perform clinical research to aid hospitals in new technology and nursing methods? Or, do you want to take the philosophy route and teach at your local university?

Each degree will differ in direction. It’s best to speak with your educational counselor for guidance on which route is best for you.

Want to Start Your Career in Healthcare?

There’s a nursing career out there just for you. From LPN degrees to PhDs, the sky’s the limit in the healthcare industry. To learn more about possible career paths and which degree will work best for you, give us a call at 877-206-4279

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