Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology Common Questions

Radiologic Science students studying on computers

Those looking for a Bachelor’s degree in Radiology can receive the education and training they require through Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology. Our online Bachelor’s in Radiologic Science program was created to offer students the best balance between their education and their life while tailored to meet industry standards. 

For answers to frequently asked questions about the Bachelor’s degree in radiology program, keep reading below.

How Can I Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology?

There are two methods to receiving a Bachelor’s degree in radiology, including traditional on-campus education and online programs. At Cambridge, we offer this program completely online for students to receive their degree while in the comfort of their own homes. Online education allows you to balance your courses with your work and life, giving you the best opportunity for success. 

Is Getting a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology Worth It?

Yes, it is! There are many benefits to receiving continuing education for radiology including the following and more:

  • You will stand out from the competition. Not all candidates looking for radiology careers possess a Bachelor’s degree. When you graduate, you will have a higher probability of employment amongst the competition with your degree. 
  • Credentialing may require a degree. Most credentialing organizations such as the ARRT require a degree to start the process. 
  • Increased earning potential. Students with a Bachelor’s degree are subject to higher salaries due to their education and credentialing potential. 
  • Specialization options. With a Bachelor’s degree, students can choose specialization options such as sonography, CT and radiation therapy. 

As a Bachelor’s degree holder, you have more opportunities for advancement and more options for enhancing your career. 

What Can You Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology?

Students who obtain a Bachelor’s degree in the field will qualify for a wide range of careers: 

  • Radiologist
  • Pediatric Radiographer
  • Ultrasound Technician
  • MRI Technologist
  • Cardiovascular Radiologic Technician

After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in radiology, some additional training may be required to land in certain roles. However, this program is the best place to jumpstart your radiology career. 

Learn more about careers you can pursue with a Bachelor’s in radiology. 

How Much Does a Radiologist With a Bachelor’s Degree Make?

According to the American Society of Radiologic Technicians or ASRT, a radiographer with a Bachelor’s degree has an average salary of $56,540 per year. The salaries differ between organizations and the type of radiology services conducted. 

How Long Does It Take to Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology?

If you are a recent high-school graduate without any college credits looking to achieve your Bachelor’s degree in radiology, you can expect four years of education to complete the program. If you are a recent Associate’s degree program graduate, you can expect an additional two years of continuing education. 

What Classes Are Required to Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Radiology?

At Cambridge, the Bachelor’s degree in radiology program includes courses about the human anatomy as well as computer systems. As a radiology technician, you will need to understand how the body works and how to use radiology equipment throughout your career. These classes are in alignment with industry and credentialing standards. Below is a list of some of the courses:

  • Pathophysiology
  • Sectional Anatomy
  • Health Care Law and Compliance
  • Critical Thinking
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Microcomputer Applications

Want to know more? View our complete list of all required courses. 

Get On Track Toward Your Stable Radiology Career Now

Research and societal trends suggest our country will need more professionals in the radiological sciences field. As baby boomers age, they will need more medical tests and overall care. This reason alone promises a secure career for years to come, which cannot be said about many lines of work these days. 

Curious to know if a Bachelor’s degree in radiology is right for you? View our program page for more details, or talk with an advisor at Cambridge today to learn more about your educational options.