Radiologic Degree

Why Should a Radiologic Technologist Get Their Bachelor’s Degree?

Radiologic Technologist and a Bachelor’s Degree

Current radiologic technologists have the ability to further their education through Cambridge’s Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences through the Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology in Miami. If you’re a current radiology technologist, you might be wondering if it’s even worth it. The short answer is “absolutely.” We’ll show you why.

Associates vs. Bachelor’s: Differences in Job Responsibilities

Currently, you might be responsible for using x-ray equipment to help physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. With a Bachelor’s degree, you’ll be able to transition into a professional role in a healthcare setting, which will allow you to:

  • Function as a leader in the industry
  • Plan and deliver care, while also managing patient care in your organization
  • Become an integral part of a patient’s healthcare team

Radiologic technologists with Bachelor’s degrees often find themselves in management positions, perhaps overseeing sections of their radiology departments. They’re also better equipped for the field when choosing to specialize in MRI, sonography, CT, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, etc.

Bachelor’s Degree in Radiologic Technology Salary & Pay

Between the Associate level and Bachelor level, there are some pay differences that may impact your family’s lifestyle in a great way. According to PayScale, the average salary for a radiologic technologist with a Bachelor’s degree is $70,000. Yet, the average salary with an Associate’s degree is around $60,000.

Better Prepare Yourself for a Higher Level of Patient Care

Although more job responsibilities and a higher wage might be beneficial, it’s important to note that more education will better prepare you to provide a higher level of patient care. The more you know about human anatomy, what to look for, symptoms, diagnoses and more, the better care you’ll be able to provide to each patient you meet.

Plus, It’s Easy to Get Your Bachelor’s Degree

At Cambridge, we provide our Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences to current radiologic technologists completely online. Our online curriculum will help you better manage your work/life/school balance. Plus, we offer two tracks in this program: healthcare and education. This means you can choose a track that will help you reach your career goals.

Get Your Bachelor’s Degree Online Through Cambridge

Getting started with Cambridge is easy. If you’re ready to further your career as a radiologic technologist, our Bachelor program is a great next step. To learn more about the program or for answers to your questions, give us a call at 877-206-4279.

More on a radiologic degree